Salisbury Plain Permit

Salisbury Plain Area 8 will be available for General Sport Flying and Trimming every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) plus Bank Holiday Mondays, in 2022, from January to December.

During this period flying on area 8 is subject to clearance being granted by Army Air Operations on the preceding Friday. When the clearance is given, a clearance number and the times available will be notified to users via their email addresses.

Users must be in possession of a current permit. To apply for a permit you must complete the application form below. The cost is £30.  Retain the conditions of issue and code of conduct for future reference.

It is important that you read and understand the conditions of issue and code of conduct before submitting your licence application.

Read the Salisbury Plain Conditions of Issue and Code of Conduct here

Please note that the use of Salisbury Plain Area 8 for Model Flying is delegated by the MOD DIO (SPTA) to the BMFA via the management of the FFTC. No other use is permitted.

Salisbury Plain Permit Application Form

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By clicking continue below you undertake and agree to the following:

That you are a current BMFA member and have read and understood the conditions of issue and code of conduct and agree to abide by them.

That you are aware that there are hazards on the SPTA Area 8 site and you enter at your own risk. Also that you understand that if you enter the site you may be injured, incapacitated or killed and that your property may be damaged or destroyed as a result of these hazards or by dangerous things. You voluntarily accept the risks involved.

To the extent that this is lawful by virtue of the provisions of Section 2 of the Unfair Contract Act 1977 you agree with the Secretary of State for Defence that if permission is granted to enter SPTA Area 8 you nor your personal representative nor your dependants shall have or make any claim for injury (including injury resulting in death) or damage against the Crown of the Secretary of State or any officer, agent, workman or contractor of the Crown in respect of the State or condition of the land for the time being, or any hazardous thing on or below or above the ground there.

You further agree to indemnify the Crown against all payments made by the Crown to its servants or agents (whether or not they are paid in pursuance of a legally enforceable obligation) for the purpose of indemnifying them against any such claim aforesaid.

You understand that you may be covered by your BMFA insurance in respect of some but possibly not all of the above possible claims.