Good evening gents,
The forecasts are unchanged really from yesterday so I’m pleased to confirm that Le Petit Classique de Birmingham will take place as planned on Sunday 3rd April starting at 10am.
Regulars at North Luffenham will know that, at weekends, the first barrier off the housing estate is locked, they will also know the number for the combination padlock.
If you are not a regular visitor either tailgate someone who is (that should be all of the Rutland Radio Flyers and anyone with a BMFA North Luffenham pass, so plenty of people) or ring me on 07855 059093 or Kris Best on 07916 260174 and we will assist…YOU MUST LEAVE THE BARRIER SECURELY LOCKED afterwards.
The “Ellis Gate” (alongside the white hanger building) will be open though it may not look like it. Unhitch the clasp, raise the barrier and when you’re through make sure you leave it so it looks locked for the next person.
Please pass this confirmation on to any you think may wish to come but haven’t mailed me.
Now, this troublesome forecast seems to be clear that the late afternoon may well be breezy. In the expectation of fly-offs the end of the contest may be brought forward from the regular “2 hours before sunset” time but that information will be at control as you enter.
thank you all for your patience, here’s hoping for an enjoyable day.